Home remedy for mouthwash – natural homemade recipes

When it comes to keeping our smiles not just shiny but also fresh, it can feel like the stores are lined with far too many commercial mouthwashes. The biggest battle in fighting bad breath is the one with yourself, when you need to choose a colour (bright blue, bubblegum pink, or maybe a funky purple?) and brand to trust with taking care of your oral health.

The endless promises of plaque control, minty breath and antibacterial properties can become quite exhausting. But what if there was a home remedy for mouthwash? One that skips the additives, alcohol burn and unpronounceable ingredients? What if, instead, we relied on home remedies to help us practice good oral hygiene? That’s where homemade mouthwash come in. 

Plastic set of teeth sitting elevated on white cloth

Making your own mouthwash isn’t just about avoiding artificial ingredients. It’s about fighting bad bacteria with a natural, active ingredient that works. About skipping the over the counter mouthwashes that cause dry mouth disease, and instead opting for a mouth rinse without any odd side effects.

Dental health is something you can easily support with a homemade mouthwash recipe. Not only does a DIY mouthwash support fresh breath and a healthy mouth, but the natural ingredients often also support your immune system in a very gentle way. 

This guide is all about going back to basics. With only a handful of simple, rustic ingredients you can create your own home remedy for mouthwash. We’ll look at what makes each of these options special, why it works, and look at a few simple recipes you can try at home. So grab yourself a small mason jar, glass jar or glass container and let’s get started!

Home Remedy For Mouthwash Recipes

Salt Water Rinse

Wooden spoon filled with salt in stash of salt on black surface


Salt water has been known for its healing properties for many, many years. Thankfully, it’s one of the most affordable mouthwash options today. Saltwater rinses help draw out infection, reduce inflammation and prevent the growth of oral bacteria. Its antiseptic properties make it a fantastic option for when you have mouth sores or other sensitivities. Salt water rinses are also great for kids, especially those recovering from dental work or struggling with mouth ulcers. 

How to make and use your own saltwater mouthwash

Mix a teaspoon of salt into a cup of warm water. Stir until the salt is completely dissolved. Rinse your mouth with this solution for about 30 seconds. Don’t swallow, but spit it out. Repeat this process until your glass is empty. 

Why you’ll love this method

Using salt water is great for those looking for a simple, gentle home remedy for mouthwash.It’s ideal for those days where your gums are a little sensitive. Because saltwater rarely ever stings, it’s a great option to use for children during times of infection.

Tips and tricks

Make sure your water is warm and not hot. Warm water will feel extra gentle on your gums and helps the salt dissolve faster.

Don’t over-do the salt. Adding too much salt can irritate your gums more, instead of soothing them. 

Use a large glass of water. Aiming to rinse with the full contents of a glass of water will expose your mouth to enough saltwater to fight any dental problems. 

Baking soda and essential oil mouthwash

small bottle of essential oil surrounded by peppermint leaves and lemongrass sticks


Baking soda is well known as a household must have. No surprise that the white powder can even be used as home remedy for mouthwash. With its mild alkalising effect, baking soda can help balance your mouth’s pH levels. This can deter harmful and door-causing bacteria from thriving. Additionally, baking soda can help to gently remove stains from your teeth, which is great news for us coffee and tea drinkers. Adding a few drops of tea tree oil or peppermint oil gives it a fresh taste and antibacterial boost. 

How to make your own baking soda and essential oil mouthwash

In a small jar or bottle, combine 1 cup water (filtered is preferred), 1 teaspoon baking soda (sodium bicarbonate), and 1 or 2 drops of essential oil. Add the lid tightly and shake well to combine. Use a sip of your homemade mouthwash and swish it in your mouth for about 30 seconds before spitting it out. 

Why you’ll love this home remedy for mouthwash

If you’re a fan of fresh flavours, this baking soda mouthwash is a great option for you. It’s refreshing, safe to use and may even help remove a few discolourations. Plus, you can customise the taste with your favourite essential oils.

Tips and tricks

Less is more. Essential oils are potent, so use only one or two drops of lemongrass oil for lemongrass oil mouthwash, or tea tree oil for tea tree oil mouthwash. Whichever flavour you prefer, I would recommend to start with a single drop first and work your way up from there. 

Avoid swallowing. Some essential oils can upset your tummy, or even be toxic if ingested in larger amounts. Make sure to always spit your home remedy for mouthwash and never swallow it. 

yellow and orange flowers surrounding two small glass bottles of essential oil

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Herbal mouthwash with cinnamon and cloves

small wooden bowl filled with cloves in front of cinnamon sticks


Cloves and cinnamon are popular during the winter months, and often represented in Christmas recipes. But did you know both spices also have powerful antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties? No wonder they’re heavily used in Ayurvedic medicine. Clove oil has a numbing effect, which makes it a great way to deal with for sensitive gums or toothaches. Cinnamon adds warmth and has strong antimicrobial properties. Together, they create a mouthwash that feels cozy and luxurious, while working some magic in your mouth. 

How to make clove and cinnamon mouthwash

In a small pot, bring 1 cup of water with a teaspoon of whole cloves and a cinnamon stick to a boil. Allow the mixture to simmer for about 10 minutes. Once cooled, strain the resulting liquid from the remaining ingredients and fill it into a clean jar or bottle. Rinse your mouth with the fragrant blend for about a minute before spitting it into the sink. 

Why you’ll love this cozy home remedy for mouthwash

If you love the flavours of cozy spices, this effective mouthwash will be perfect for you. It’s gentle, effective, and has a much sweeter, warmer taste than a traditional mouthwash. Plus, it’s a great way to harness the medicinal qualities of your kitchen staples. 

Tips and tricks

Avoid using this mouthwash if you are allergic to cloves or cinnamon. 

Store your own homemade mouthwash in the fridge for up to a week. 

Oil pulling

Cut pieces and two halves of coconut, together with two bottles of coconut oil, standing in front or many coconuts in background


Oil pulling has become quite popular over the past decade and is a great way to boost your oral health. This century-old technique involves swishing oil around your mouth to help improve oral and overall health. It’s an easy step to add to your oran hygiene routine, given it takes no preparation and skill. Moving oil around your mouth prevents plaque buildup and as a result minimises bad breath. Because the oil is in constant contact with your teeth, it can gradually lift surface stains and make your smile brighter.

How do you do oil pulling

Oil pulling is super simple, but can feel a little weird in the beginning. Firstly, choose your oil. Most people choose coconut oil because of its mild taste and antibacterial properties. Place a tablespoon of oil in your mouth and swish it around for 10 or more minutes. Don’t swallow the oil, but gently push and pull it between your teeth. This might feel a little odd following some saliva production. Just keep going for as long as feels comfortable. When finished, spit the oil into the trash and rinse your mouth with water. Follow up by brushing your teeth as you usually would. 

Why you’ll love oil pulling

Oil pulling is not just natural and very affordable, it’s also a natural way to sooth your teeth and gums. Because oil pulling doesn’t require you to be at a particular location, you can easily incorporate it into your routine. Try oil pulling while you’re showering or getting dressed in the morning. 

Tips and tricks

Start small. Oil pulling can feel a little strange in the beginning, as your mouth will want to swallow its contents. It can help to start with a little less oil and practice for only a few minutes. You can then incrementally increase both quantity and duration. 

Use quality oil. Make sure to select a high-quality, organic oil for oil pulling. We want to avoid any additives or pesticides.

Be consistent. For best results, aim to oil pull daily. It often helps to find an activity like showering or getting dressed during which you swirl the oil around your mouth. It’s an effective way to get two tasks done in one hit. 

Spit it out. Remember the oil absorbs bacteria and sometimes even small food particles that got stuck in your teeth. Make sure to spit the oil out once finished.

I hope this guide has shown you a few new, natural ways to clean your teeth. The best way of fighting dental plaque and door-causing bacteria doesn’t have to be expensive or bright coloured to be effective. Quite the opposite. A home remedy for mouthwash is often made with simple ingredients you already have in your home.

Have you tried any of these methods before? What’s your favourite method and ingredient? Let me know in the comments.

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